Wednesday, May 15, 2024

More Carnage, Buna ISD

 Three more teachers at the Buna Elementary resigned today. 

That means that there has been a total of 9 teachers resign within a period of less than a week. 

For a 3A school, that is an unheard of number of teachers leaving. All in less than a week. And the school district's answer to the teachers leaving, plus the economic shortage? 

Para-professionals. Limit out the number of kids that can be put in a classroom. In other words, cram the kids in classes like sardines in a can.

I know in other school districts they are having the same problem, but it's mostly with special education teachers. 

And in the Buna, the reasons are all the same.....Stress,( 30 kids of Gen Z, Gen Alpha, I am sorry ladies and gentlemen, the kids today are so different than the way kids were when you were in school, and there is no way to discipline them. And if you do, you're setting yourself up for legal lawsuits.)  high numbers of kids in the class and a large number just "bad-ass kids", As I was reminded "additional work load, long hours, additional paperwork, being treated like 3rd class citizens, micromanaging then not following through…"

Then, and I want you to look seriously people, at the number of people the Buna ISD has hired as some sort of administrator. 

I remember when Steve Hyden ran the district by himself, and that wasn't that long ago.

You got administrators running out the district's ass. And all of them have to come up with additional work for teachers to do to justify their existence.  

I seriously don't know what they do ( administrators.).......Jobs that used to take one person are taken over by 2-3 people. Seems to me, putting these people in the classroom at least part-time might alleviate at least some of the shortage of teachers in the classroom.

And once again, look at young people in college majoring in a course planning to teach school. It is at the lowest point .....EVER.....

The Buna Board of Trustees meet tonight( Thursday May 16).....I wonder if they have any answers? Or just "kick the can" down the road?

And I am serious here when I say this....You might want to tell teachers you know how much you appreciate them. Teaching is at the the lowest point ever, morale is at a low point, and just a little support helps more than you know....

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