Wednesday, May 15, 2024

If They're Breathing......Buna Schools

 And I get even more what should be upsetting news from the Buna Schools.....

Long time residents of Buna, the Buna Community are leaving the district as teachers. And we are talking about people leaving in good numbers. Other school districts are just more attractive....

Heck, people are moving to Kountze to teach......Who would have thought Kountze would be more attractive of a district?

Buna people who want to teach in Buna because, " These are my people." And they understand Buna. They understand their parents. They understand the kiddos. They are giving the district as they would say about pro-ballplayers, " Their hometown discount." ( There is a post going around showing how poorly some ISDs pay compared to others, and while I was at Buna, it paid the poorest in Region 5. ( That is the Beaumont area.) I think the only district that paid poorer was Spurger ISD and while I was there, a couple of board members , and I am serious here said, " We don't play football, we should be able to pay teachers more." And they increased their pay above Buna, and other schools.)

The rumor is it is going to be difficult to even find people to teach. And they might have to hire people who are " Just breathing." 

People teaching core classes( Math, English, Science, the Social Studies-History Economics Political Science) with no certificate......Heck, with no degrees much less one in the course they are teaching. 

And don't tell me people that have never taken microeconomics are qualified to teach AP Microeconomics or even AP Macroeconomics.....Or even regular micro, or macro....

Then, I learn of people leaving the high school, long time people who have spent their entire career at Buna Schools. And they are pretty much being forced out. 

People who do the "dirty work" at schools. 

Homecoming parades, the NHS, the Jingle Bell Ball, the Prom, Graduation etc....etc.....Just don't " happen" like people seem to think...They are a lot of planning and work. More than you think. And no matter what you do, some parent is not going to be happy, and god-forbid that parent ask to help. They'd rather gripe.

And a lot of people, teachers, just, " don't want to be bothered."

So, don't be shocked, the era of "warm bodies"  looks like it is coming to the Buna ISD.....

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