Monday, May 6, 2024

Okay Ladies, You're Not Getting Off the Hook.......

 Again, I had not planned to write this blog....Partially, I never enforced female dress code when I taught school. It was too much of a minefield. 

I recall a male history teacher ( Houston area school) across the hall from me who sent a young lady to the office for too short of a skirt. ( It was, at first, I thought she was a hooker visiting the school)

The next day her dad was at school confronting the history instructor making the remark " What are you doing looking?"

And in truth, he really could care less.....He was gay. He like many LGBT teachers, kept it hidden from the general public. 

AND in typical administrator fashion, instead of coming to the assistance of the teacher, enforcing dress code that the administrator had told teachers to enforce, the principal was like an old dog that someone had whipped too much, he laid on his back and wet himself. ( Figuratively)

Yesterday, after I wrote the blog on males poorly dressing at funerals, I was reminded by several female readers about poor dress in what should be a place(s) that should have some decorum and modesty.  

- Ladies wearing pajama pants to both funerals and church. 

- No bras in church and the shirt they were wearing looked like two cats were fighting to get out from underneath. 

- A beach church with a " Come as you are" sign out front, college age coeds wearing cover ups that reached the waist of the ladies, revealing bikini bottoms. The lady who wrote was upset that the 12 year old boys sitting on the row beside her were distracted from the service.....I hate to tell you, that if 66 year old me would have been on the row beside her, I would have been distracted. 

Ladies don't be griping about guys " taking a look." I've been around long enough I've seen y'all, " Take a Look" at the guys, so like Little Richard would say....." Shut Up."

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