Friday, May 10, 2024

Number 14.....And I am Shocked...And Storytime from Mr. Thomas

 Humbled and surprised. 

This month, I have published the blog for 14 years. 

I started in May, and I had just, well, just had it with the Buna ISD. It was on the old blog, before I switched to Part Deaux. 

I was just, I had just had it with the Buna ISD at that point. I was upset with the way things were going for me with the district. 

I was upset with the administration. 

In the last few years, I was told that " Taking the kids to regional academic competition was like teachers getting to go on a vacation." 

Literally they acted like we should be paying them?

What the cornbread feck?

Has this Supt. of Schools taken a bunch of high school kids overnight anyplace? 

And to try and save the school district money, the motels we stayed in were anything but about 1 star. 

Get those kids who went on the region trip who stayed in the Somerville Inn to tell you about it. 

- There were 2 TVs in our room, the working one, sitting on top of the non-working TV. 

- The ash-tray was a cat food can. 

- There were bullet holes in out bathroom sink. 

- The other teacher I roomed with yelled at me saying, " Can't you flush the toilet?" To which I replied, " I've not been in the bathroom yet." 

- I slept in my clothes, on top on the bed spread, in a sleeping bag I brought just in case. The sleeping bag was burned when I go home. 

- We had a female faculty member get body lice, and she had to explain to her husband what happened. He almost divorced her. 

- The motel moved the girls across the courtyard from our wing of the motel. The girls were busy all night with trucks coming and going every 10 minutes, all with A&M stickers on the back the vehicles.( And if you're married to an Aggie, I'm sorry you're married to a minuteman...)

There were several other things that occurred,  I'll tell in a longer blog.....

I started this blog, before I joined Facebook,  and some can still be found on the old blog. It was an outlet to keep me from blowing a gasket my last few weeks at Buna. I had my points when I started writing and could have retired at any point.

I had enough my last few years at Buna and it wasn't the kids. Yes, not all kids liked me, but most I believe did. 

I never 'fit in' at BHS. I was never part of the clique at the ISD, and yes, like the town, the school had a clique.

And I tried my first few years, I finally was just  "me" and remembered, I am teaching for the kids, and it is " Just a job."

While I did not get along with many of the adults at the school, and I'll be honest, it hurt, I am like anyone else, I am human.... I don't know, there were people who just didn't understand it is about the kids. And I got into trouble because of it more than once.( I literally had adult people at the school who hated me, and I seriously did not/do not know why, and finally gave up trying with them.)

That said, I appreciate the parents and students at Buna. I appreciate you for reading the blog. Heck, I consider several of my former students as friends, and have been known to associate with them these many years later, something I don't with most of the adults I worked with at Buna.

Again, thank you for reading.


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