Wednesday, June 26, 2024

So, Over the Last 24 Hours Buna ISD.....

 So, over the last 24 hours, I have heard from a number of people who are thinking about, or they have decided to run for the Buna ISD School Board of Trustees. 

Good for you.....I seriously hope you do well. 

I am of the mind that people shouldn't run for office, and then just stay there. Do one, two terms and get out. 

Your ideas, you, become stagnant, set in your ways. In the end, you don't understand why people are weary of you being in office.  

Get the Hell out. 

Same goes with congress, the state legislature, etc., etc.....

I've had a couple of people ask for serious help getting them elected. Not just advice, actual "help." 

If I was to do that I literally would have to go into business as a "political consultant." 

And, I don't want to go there. I worked in my brother's campaign for DA, and it's not my work. I could do it, but I'd hate it. I like doing what I do.

All this said, you get bogged down, get confused, I'll be glad to point you in the right direction. 

But remember, I am a First Amendment absolutist.( You've read this blog)

 You mess up, and you are on the board, I will go after you. 

You'll be an elected figure.. Sorry, but you'll be fair game. 

I want Buna Schools to do well, and if I see the board or individual board members as a stumbling block, I am going to say something. 

And I can get uglier than I already have....I've been nice.  

Screw up bad, and I might call you a "Sorry-ass sumofabitch."

Being on the Board of Trustees is a hard job. If you do it right, you're going to need to prepare and study, not just show up for meetings.  

All this said, I encourage you to run. It's a damn important job. It is actual " retail politics." You'll be dealing with the one of the most important things in the community, the kids. 

And the good Lord knows they're the future.

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