Monday, July 8, 2024

Damn You Buna People....

 As many of you know, I performed a wedding this weekend in Buna. In the "Heart of Buna" as I heard someone call it a number of years ago, in behind Kaines. 

From time to time, I am asked to officiate weddings by people, not from Jasper, or Newton, or Orange Counties....We are talking about over near Houston, or even further north, towards Dallas, Austin, etc. 

And we are talking about 'so-called' rural areas near these cities. 

Get out of this area, and a lot of these people, are snobs, or just up to no-good. Many, the closer you get to major cities are just, "sorry. "

And I met the young people's family and friends at this ceremony.....

You, know, some of the nicest people are in our area. And this included Saturday night. 

We got some just as it's been described, "Good Folks" over here. 

And while I was quiet during most of the event. ( As a 'minister' you don't want to keep people from having a good time....Thus me often leaving early, there are some times I would like to stay and celebrate, but you know, I don't want people to think they are being 'watched' and judged.)

And while there are "knuckleheads" in the community, up to no-good, most people are just good folks trying to live their lives.

It's part of the reason when I got to Buna High, I just stayed. 

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 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...