Friday, July 26, 2024

Okay Buna People- All You Newbies-And Uninitiated Oldies

 I'd not planned to blog today and well, there are a number of people 'following' the blog on Facebook who are not friends with me on Facebook. And it's more than I realized. And a number of people have followed recently. 

Some do not know me from the past. They were only told to "read his stuff" by someone in the community.

So, from time to time I may post a blog concerning this subject.

The blog while primarily is about the Buna Schools, South Jasper County, I often cover other subjects. 

Anything from economics to history, heck, I had one concerning the national election in the UK a few weeks ago. ( You'll find out I am a bit of an Anglophile, love England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. It's my 'Happy Place.' My wife and I have been 4 times in the last 8 years to the UK. )

I " hop the rails" from time to time and go on a tangent I often cannot come back from. 

I swear sometimes, sometimes badly, I grew up on the 'Mean Streets of 'Vidor' so from time to time the Vidorian circa 1975 comes out in me. Thing is, I know better. I wasn't raised that way. 

Yes, I get on a religious kick from time to time. I went to a seminary, thought I was supposed to be a minister, but realized, it wasn't me, but I am ordained in a strange form of Reform, call it Presbyterianism,( One of those, not what you know, it's who you know deals) and have married numerous former students. Might be some of my proudest moments.   

Yes, I pray every morning at 4AM. Have a list of people I pray for regularly. If you want to be added, let me know, always room for one more. 

I am a bit of a fop/dandy, so if I am asked to go anyplace, I will try and out-dress every male there. ( Men, accessorize, accessorize, fedoras, panama hats( I have an Optimo I spent way to much for, but it is gorgeous ), flat-caps, pocket watches, canes, p3 glasses in tortoise, Randolph Engineering sunglasses, bow-ties, pin-stripe suits. People treat you better well dressed, sorry, they just do.) ( Nothing screams British more than a pin-stripe suit. I'll do the history of pin-stripe suits one day. Okay guys, free haberdashery lesson for the day) 

Sorry, I was on Fox Brothers suit/sports coat's cloth page before prayers this morning...I digressed badly....

If you ever want me to write on a topic, send me the particulars. I will investigate and more than likely write on the topic, and NEVER do I reveal sources. I believe strongly in the First Amendment and free speech, free press, so I will go after anyone.  

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FLASH- News From Buna Schools....

 I am showing my age. And the fact I studied history .....At one time in this country, world there were two major American news agencies. Or...