Monday, July 1, 2024

Well, I Don't Know Nuthin' About This......

 The British Election? Yes. A German Election? Some.

A French Election? 

I know nothing. 

But here we go.....

I'm not a " Let's go to France" kind of guy, and neither is Deb and we've been there, that said, Logan and Mrs. Vaughn along with the Pages have/are posting photos of France, and while France was on Debbie and Kerry Tour 2015,  we missed the South of France, Normandy, Brittany.

President Emmanuel Macron of France called a election, an even quicker 'Snap Election' in France for yesterday June 30th. 

He panicked because in the general European election, there was a dramatic change in the government. 

Macron just plain ole panicked. 

Of course Macron's wife is 25 years older than him. She was his old high school teacher. 

It would be like me marrying a member of the class of 2006 or 2007. 

I know you think you were all "cute" and all back then, but....

Ewwww.....I'd hate to know I'd have to carry on a long term conversation with you back then in a dating setting.....Creeps me out for thinking about it, and makes me wonder why you'd even be interested in the first place. Some sort of " Daddy issues." I don't even want to think about the psychological problems I would have to deal with....

But I digress. 

The French have a confusing mixed up election, actually closer to the U.S. than the British. 

They need a majority of the votes to win the election, so next week, they will have run-offs from the first round of elections of yesterday. 

And the apparent leader in the far right National Rally Party won the first round of voting in France. 

The National Rally Party whose leader is Marine Le Pen has ties to Anti-Antisemitism, Holocaust denial. Ms. Le Pen's father,(Jean-Marie Le Pen) who founded the party was very anti-Jewish, so much so, when she took over leadership of the party she kicked her father out of the party, trying to make the party more " mainstream." 

This is the first time a party in France has been this far-right since the Germans and the Nazi Party controlled France. 

Turn out in France was very high, for a national election. 59+%. 

This was a rebuke for Macron and his Center-Left party. 

The question is this, in the second round of voting on July 7th, can the Center and Far Left in France unite to block the National Rally Party? 

Macron will remain in the presidency until 2027 no matter the outcome. The question is, if the Far-Right takes over the legislative branch, how much governing can Macron actually do? 

The Far-Right is against the European Union, support of Ukraine. 

Okay, I gave a nutshell discussion of the French......As I always said when i completed any lesson...." Questions?"

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