Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I Doubt This Happens

Again, this is written for me, as we are in the " dog-days" of Summer.  

Tomorrow, on July 4th, the British will hold a general election. I am going to be watching closely, as I find British politics fascinating, American politics, well, because of my long time work, seems just like that, work, and unlike those who get a paycheck on TV who worked in politics at one time and get that "bag" ( as the kids say) to be an expert on American elections, I get nothing for talking about national politics. I'd rather talk about local politics, school politics and generally focus this blog upon that area. I find school policies and politics, along with local policy and politics, much more interesting. 

I have written blog earlier discussing the British election. 

There is an expect huge turnover in the British House of Commons, from the Conservative ( Tory) Party to the Labour Party. 

The latest poll released today, showed Labour picking up seats as follows. 

Labour- 484

Conservative( Tory)- 64

Liberal-Democrats- 61

Scottish National Party-10



Plaid Cymru( Welsh party)-3

I seriously doubt this will be the outcome. I really do. 

While I expect Labour to win for the first time in 14 years, I doubt they'll have even close to this majority.

I will be shocked if this is the outcome....

Tomorrow when you see people winning office in Britain with a low percentage of the vote, remember, over there, whoever gets the most votes gets the seat in office. You don't have to get 50.1% to be declared the winner. 

There will be people winning seats with 25-35-45% of the votes. So do not be shocked if you see people with a win with 28% of the electorate. It's the way they've done it for years.  

The next British Prime Minister will be Kier Starmer. Get used to the name as he will be in office for a number of years in Britain. 

I will post a short blog on Friday with the results.....If any of you colonists care.... ;) 

And afterwards, we'll go back toward Buna ISD and South Jasper County....




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