Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Personal Request to My Ex-Students, Buna People-

 Dear Gentle Reader,

It almost got real here earlier today. 

I had someone come to the house, and the way they acted, well, it was questionable. They parked in the drive, and walked around the house, well, in a way, that looked like they were up to 'no good.' The door to their vehicle was left open like they didn't want me to hear a door close.

I grabbed a heater with hollow-points, and my cell phone. 

They would up ringing the door bell, which is my front door, everyone, USPS, UPS, etc, all visitors use the kitchen door which is near the drive. 

I opened the door with the heater in my right hand, and the hammer cocked. 

I am sorry, they just did not look right. And did not act right.

Come to find out, they were coming to ask about  a wedding. 

They had not called, texted, it was a white male by himself, not well dressed, no female in tow. Male and female together, you can look and tell, holding hands, arms around each other, other indicators. You just know. Plus, they have paperwork in their hands.

I asked them to leave. I wasn't interested. Not going to lie, it scared me.

I called the person who sent them, to be sure if they were who they said. 

They were. And the Buna person, a former student, had given them both my cell number and my address. 

The person who had told them about me had told them to contact me first, and the person did not. 

Please person who gave out my info....Don't assume, especially with someone I do not know. 

I live in the woods. Unless you are delivery, family, or someone I know, you shouldn't be here unannounced. People who come here unknown or unannounced in my neighborhood are up to no good.  Even law enforcement know to call, or in the evening, turn their red and blue lights on in Lemonville. I am shocked my neighbor didn't turn the German Shepherds loose, or the other one come over with a 12 gauge pump. ( And my neighbors know my family, and the dogs know the kids and grandmas. The German Shepherds love my Mom.)

I am more than happy to officiate a wedding. For ex-students I do them for whatever you feel like giving me, or as I say, " Whatever you think she is worth." Some of you have bought some nice meals in Europe. Some of you have funded 2 weeks worth of meals in England. Others have given me a nice box of cheroots, an excellent bottle of Irish.

And others, well, I've done it for gratis. 

Some of my proudest moments has been marrying my former students. As a person who believe in the institution of marriage, I am thrilled to perform the ceremony.   

But please, don't send strangers to my home. At least without me knowing they are coming.




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