Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Drinking Baptist?

 Of course you know my favorite joke.....

When you go fishing with Baptists, why do you carry two of them?

If you only take one, they'll drink all the beer-

Heard from a person all upset about a Baptist , on a church staff, they see out at honky-tonks, and then up on the pulpit on Sunday morning....

Come on, there are certain things, certain jobs, well, you act in a different way. 

I know how Baptist youth are, I was one. We are not " pure as the driven snow." 

We did some questionable stuff. 

But as an adult I realized, the Baptists were not for me, especially since I attended one of their seminaries and really saw what they stood for, and decided to change my denomination affiliation. 

And couldn't be happier. 

And the Baptists " make up" stories like in the Book of John when Jesus " turned the water into wine" the wine was like Welch's Grape Juice. 

Yeah, tell yourself 1st Century Jews are drinking " Grape Juice" at a wedding. 

And BTW, theological scholars are not sure where Canaan actually was.....If someone tells you it's " here." They really don't know. It's like Jacob's Well, it was 300 years before they decided where it was in what is now the West Bank.....Maybe it was there.....Maybe not.  

But if you're going to hold a position in a church in which the denomination traditionally is anti-drinking, well, you need to either get out of that position, or switch denominations.

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