Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ominous....At Buna Schools?


Websters Dictionary defines it as:  being or exhibiting an omen, or, foreshadowing evil. 

Oxford English Dictionary defines it as: suggestive of future misfortune. 

That is the term people in the know are using the describe the coming year in Buna ISD. And it is strange because that term is being used by multiple sources.

Damn. I've had bad damn years. I almost killed an entire 5th period class back in 2009. ( Actually, I kind of like them, they lined right up into my sarcasm wheelhouse.)

But, something is going on at Buna. 

I have suspicions. I know there has been a "gag order" to use a legal term on faculty not to talk to an outside source(s) about what is going on at the school.....That of course will backfire and make people want to talk. 

This morning, already I have heard from a patron upset about spending and where the hell the money is going? And had questions. 

As always, even if I don't answer you, I take your problem, your issue, seriously. Sometimes folks, I just don't have the time. And I apologize for that. 

If you have problems, issues, just want to get something off your chest about what is going on at the school, let me know.....I NEVER and let me reiterate that, NEVER reveal sources. I will always keep your name out of the mix. 

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