Wednesday, September 18, 2024

That's Enough.....

 In the past few weeks, I have had many, many requests for " friendship" on my regular Facebook site. Most, I've not a clue who they are, and in truth, I really do not care. 

Like I am going to hang out with these people. I don't associate with the people I am "friends" with on Facebook now. 

I am more of a a homebody/introvert than you know. 

Seriously, I show up to an event of any sort, be shocked and amazed I have come out of Lemonville to civilization. 

I generally try and keep my Facebook page itself at about 800 and right now I am close to 1000. Well over my 'Mendoza Level.' 

That said, if I taught you, I will go ahead and accept you as a "friend" on Facebook, but if I have not a clue, well, don't take it as an insult, as you can always keep up with the blog by joining at this Facebook Group link.  

I already have too many people posting stuff on regular Facebook and I am wondering....." What the cornbread feck are they talking about?" And in truth, I don't give a good damn about. And it clutters up people I really want to know about, and if need be put on the 'Prayer List.' ( Yep, cussin' and prayin' first thing.....If you know me, you aren't surprised. St. Peter had that problem, and one day, I need to write a blog titled the " Sins of St. Paul.." "For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.")

That said, for the second time, I had someone introduce themselves to me in the store. Blog reader...It gets scary. You don't know if they like what you write, or not.  

But, I digress. 

At some point, I must run a purge, clean house, get Facebook to a manageable level.  

But not today.........



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Okay, Okay, We Go There......This Blog is for 'Some' Buna Folks.....

 So, over the last week, I've had more people show up in my DM's and PM's that well...... These are people I have not a clue who...