Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Buna School Board- " A Waste of Time."

 Dear Gentle Readers,

I've received a report from several people concerning last evening Buna ISD Board of Trustees meeting. 

Most were upset that the entire meeting the board was in executive session. 

I understand that in matters of personnel, the rules are to meet in executive session. That's just all over the state of Texas, and it in many cases is to allow the board to discuss faculty/staff of the district without the pubic knowing that the person being discussed really didn't mess up, and we need to take care of this without embarrassing that person....I know, I was discussed in executive session more than once in my career. 

And I know the minutes are available to be read......


The community is starting to think the board is using the executive session to hide what is really going on with the board.  

That there is a lack of transparency going on. This is what I heard from several sources in attendance.

It often takes a month for the minutes to be published.

Last night, a number of people attended who were upset about several things. And apparently, there was a large number of people at the meeting last evening.

- Not being able to address the cheerleader Friday dress situation- ( I know this was not the meeting for this. But you need to let folks know.) 

 - About 30 minutes later they came back and adjourned the meeting saying nothing.

Man, you want to upset voters, especially in local electorates, keep them in the dark.  

You got to let people know what is going on, what is going to happen at tonight's meeting, and sometimes you need to take heat and be open. 

Legal or not, right is right, you got to do better. 

You got to be transparent. I know you " Don't have to" but I taught in a district that told the patrons what was going to going to transpire every board meeting, nothing hidden. Will Owen Moore saw that occurred. 

 It could get ugly fast, many of the patrons are not happy and you've got to remember, it's their taxes that pay for the Buna Schools, and often, we are soon to forget. 

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