Thursday, October 10, 2024

Unhappy Taxpayer in Not Only Buna ISD, But Jasper Co., Texas

 It is often difficult to come up with titles for blog, it really is, the longer you write a blog, the more you understand why in the UIL Academic Journalism events, there is an UIL Headlines competition. 

That said, I have heard more about this from people, a topic not associated with a school district. 

I've had several people who just wrote me and were curious.....

And this of course is as KJAS radio put it...."The Jasper County Appraisal District has voted to go forward with the purchase of the former Southside Bank Building."

Supposedly, they are buying an old bank building for $554,000. 

And I know the appraisal district's present 'digs' are old and they need new ones.  I know some within the county are embarrassed by the building. 

I know there are people that are upset about the district having $500,000 to spend on the old bank, yet, "Potholes run wild on Jasper County roads." ( The person who commented words, not mine. And I've driven on Jasper County Roads in which they are pretty bad, and I know that's the local commissioner's business.)

Now, my understanding is that all taxing entities have to approve the purchase and that is why allegedly according to my sources is why the Buna ISD School Board is meeting this coming Monday, October 14th.   ( Someone correct me if I am wrong here, not an expert on appraisal district rules)

So, why are people concerned, and I know some of the protest movement, anti-property taxes is in Jasper County, and on the other hand, I know property taxes are needed to run county services, the school districts...


Right now, and I do not think leadership really understands, there are people hurting right now. 

Inflation was out of control and for many folks, the prices are still too expensive. 

I know there are people putting off new purchases, a new washer, a new roof, and for many a new vehicle, and lord knows the prices of vehicles especially the Big 3 American ( Well one really no longer American) auto makers are just out of control. ( I'm going to write a blog on one the the auto makers and why they may go bankrupt and no longer exist sooner than you know. And the media really is not addressing this part of the economy.)

People, if you are for or again, you need to contact you elected leadership. And yes, I know a new building is needed, but can we not wait a little bit longer? And what about other buildings? How much will it cost to re-model if the bank is purchased? 

And something to think about, how many people are still lining up at various non-profits in Jasper Co. to get food to feed their kids for the week. And I am not going to point fingers about what the parents are, or they are not doing....These are the same people who in the end, are having to foot the bill, property taxes, or rent increases.


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Negativity....At Buna Schools?

 So, you must have been reading the blog..... Good. Look, I can say stuff other people can't. Either won't because of their kids, or...