Thursday, October 10, 2024

Okay Parent, Another Reason Mom, Dad to Tell Your Children, " No, Just No"

 Had three teacher friends of mine remind me of this, including one of my favorite students I ever taught. And she has several different degrees, I think all from East Texas State University ( A&M-Commerce) and has several different teacher's certificates. 

We were reminded, all of us, that Superintendent of Schools can break their contracts with whatever school district they are employed by and move to their next administrative position, in the middle of the school year.

This is generally true of all administrators, heck, I don't know any administrator not stopped from leaving. From Asst. Principal on up to Supt. of Schools. 

Heck, look at the now former Buna Supt. of Schools resume. 

19 years in the school 'business' a whole 3 years of which in the classroom as a Special Education teacher.....and then, the next 16 years as an administrator. 

Why the state allows people to only be in the classroom for 3 years before you get to be an administrator, well, I am sorry, but 3 years are just not much time to actually know what goes on in the classroom, sorry, it just isn't. I wasn't really forming to become the Mr. Thomas you got in Buna High until about year 5-6. Not I was a bad teach before, but the first few years, you really did not understand the job. 

But I digress. 

Administrators can leave for another position without a penalty. Just break that contract.

Teacher, cannot. 

A teacher in Buna who wants to go from Buna to teach in say Silsbee or Vidor, or Jasper, LCM, or wherever can't just leave the district in the middle of September like a Supt. of Schools. 

The school district they are teaching at can have the Texas Education Agency pull that teacher's certificate.

Heck, it is written in a teacher's contract. And what good is a teacher that doesn't hold a license to teach?

How is this fair? Most Supt. of Schools, or other administrators leave either because their job at their present ISD is miserable....Or, more than likely, they are getting a higher paying job. 

Teachers can't chase that "bag" as the kids now call it. 

It's kind of like people who get all bent out of shape about teacher's unions. 

There's no unions as you think of them in Texas. 

Texas teachers can't strike. It's illegal to do so.

There is no collective bargaining for teachers in Texas.  ( Police and firefighters have collective bargaining in Texas)

They can even pull your pension for striking, never mind you've paid into teacher retirement for years. ( We pay into our pension, it's not just given to us by the state. It's taken out of a teacher's paycheck every month, just like taxes. You can't tell TRS you are using another retirement.)

And here's another gripe about Buna ISD. We are paid once a month. Every other district I taught in paid 2 times a month. So, you better learn budgeting. And before you get all smarty and say, you are paid during the summer, the summer money is money we've already earned. And many districts give the option to pay only during the school year. And there is economic reasons why many districts want to keep the money as long as they can, including investing the teacher's already earn money. 

But again, another reason why you do not want your kids to teach school. 

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Negativity....At Buna Schools?

 So, you must have been reading the blog..... Good. Look, I can say stuff other people can't. Either won't because of their kids, or...