Monday, November 4, 2024

Anarchy....At Buna High?

 So, more than one person has written me concerned about anarchy, chaos at at the Buna High School. 

That as one wrote me, " No one is in control." 

Now of course people will write and say that " Everything is okay."  And that " Why don't we just focus on the positive."

I remember the late US Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew used to complain about the "nattering nabobs of negativism." Never mind the US was having riots, a war in Vietnam, inflation, a massive gasoline shortage....

Yeah, let's sweep the bad stuff under the rug......SMH....

One person wrote me and said the following concerning vaping.....

They said. " The administration has spent a ton on vape detectors but the kids simply destroy them. They are equipped with alerts for this purpose but most of leadership is female so no one even checks the restrooms. My understanding vaping is the least of offenses however in those rooms."

Look, discipline at school often revolves around either a strong  administration, or some strong teachers....Like an asshole Senior Government/Economics teacher who wasn't afraid at yelling and trying to keep the Senior Class under control. 

I could also see a government teacher making fun of guys vaping...." What's wrong, too much of a sissy( insert another word) to use real tobacco?"

Then, there are " Crime Stoppers" posters on the walls of the schools, asking to turn in other students for various offenses.  

Mn, I can see that getting out of control....Anonymous, I can see people getting turned in for possible cash reward.....Or turning in people or setting up people, they do not like. High School is often like a soap opera. 

As someone told me " You can now plant a vape, turn a person in, get cash." 

And if you are investigated and even if nothing is found, everyone knows, and that kid will have that stain on them the rest of their time in High School, and often, the kid may have to leave to another school, the family may need to leave town, just because someone said they " Did Something." 

I have for a while been in the "school" of people not sending their kids to Buna ISD....It's a mess right now. 

I been saying this, the patrons of the district need to " clean house" and try something new. 


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