Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Okay Folks...Listen Up.....

 If you've not voted, today is the day to do so. 

I know in Buna, the voting precincts include the Methodist Church, The Whitehead Building, and down in Gist, New Cherry Grove Church. 

Let me remind you it may be early, or very late before the election is called. We may not know for several days. 

Keep calm. We'll eventually know. Life goes on. 

Even though we think our national candidate will improve our lot in life, in reality, not much really changes. It really doesn't. Oh a few things positive and negative may occur, but life goes on. And remember most national politicians could care less about you personally. It's local ones and state ones who know you and will influence your daily life. State laws, local laws always effect you first. 

Be sure and vote in the Buna School Board election. Four seats are on the ballot this term. There are ten folks running, and I know most of the people running. Vote for those you think will actually help the district. Remember, Buna ISD is going to have a new Supt. Of Schools. 

Again, if you've not done so, get out and vote. I know 77,000,000 Americans have early voted. So in truth, the polls today might have shorter lines than they were during early election.

Vote folks. 

( Please, when it is called, someone let me know the result of the Buna ISD School Board of Trustees election. Here in Orange County, I don't always hear the results.....And I have great interest in this year;s board election....Thank you.)

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 Seriously folks,  Be careful over the next couple of days. If you do not have to be out and about, stay home. Catch up on your Netflix, Hul...