There is a joke behind the title, one of which, is now not good for polite society.....But, was often told in old Southern Baptist pulpits....But today? I would not go there....
But I got decisions.....
I received an invitation this morning, via, email for my 50th High School Reunion...
Class of 1975 Vidor High....50 years ago this coming May.......It doesn't seem that long ago....It seems like an an eternity.....That old " Best of times, worst of times"idea......
And the venue they have chosen is not that far from my house.
And they do want $50 for me to show up....Trouble is, I am tight, tight with a dollar. I'd rather spend about £50 quid in a pub drinking Rev. James Ale talking with the UK locals.
It is not until the end of June, so I have time to decide.
I'm leaning a hard " No." Unless I was in the band, I never associated with these people when I was in school. Especially high school, and unlike Buna, there were 3 different elementaries funneling into the secondary schools, and the kids from the other two schools, well, never really associated with them. ( Plus, my graduating class was right at 400.)
I am looking at a " Hard Pass." And not go....I've not seen these people in 50 years, why now?
- On to the economy....
The futures this morning have a modest gain on the Dow. Looking at various amounts since I got up, the NYSE is up around +100...This after losing almost -900 yesterday.
Yesterday the stock markets lost $4 trillion in value.
This morning the so called experts are talking about a " Credible threat of recession."
I think we are there.
Southwest Airlines announced no 2 free checked bags starting May 28th.....Got to make a dollar, somehow....
When the tariffs finally go into effect, the companies will raise prices, even the prices on products they have had for a while.....Trouble is, the consumer can't buy their products now. go up on prices? They will substitute goods, or do without. And force the businesses to cut prices in an attempt to stay in business.
And if no one is buying goods and services, this will mean there will be cuts in workers. But how much?
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