Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It is Halloween

I found this jewel on Youtube, from '64 and American Bandstand, when Dick Clark was still in Philadelphia. It was played every Halloween when I was in high school/college by radio stations, Top 40 to C&W.

Bobby Pickett with the 'Monster Mash.'

Really? I Mean Really?

So, I visited as Mattison Witt calls it, the " Fourth Circle of Hell" better known as Walmart, specifically the Vidor Walmart.

Went early to avoid the meth-heads, the 10am rush.

And there were people all dressed up for Halloween.

Both customers and Walmart workers.

One of the people ( customer) was dressed as a whore.

7:30am and you're " all dolled up" looking like a prostitute.

All I could think was, " What business would allow their worker to come in dressed as a hooker?"

And then I got to thinking, " Hell, she might be a 'professional'" It was early to be all dressed like that. Maybe she was getting off for the day?

The stuff you see at the Vidor Walmart. 

Leave 'Em Alone

So, I wonder what is causing this?

I seriously do.

The Germans found this out in the 1940s when literally the entire world turned against them.

There is a resurgence of hated toward the Jews in this country. Probably it's always been there, the climate just has allowed it to rear its ugly head.

Sadly, the shooting of the folks at the Synagogue in Pittsburgh is just a symptom of the illness.

The Jewish cemetery in Orange, Texas was vandalized the past week. ( Didn't know there was a Jewish cemetery in Orange? Well, Beaumont and Pt. Arthur have them also. Need to learn your area's history folks.)

And if you get someone to pray for you, do some research folks. The Rabbi that the Vice-President of the United States is a Messianic Jew, in other words, he's a Christian. Jews don't recognize him as a Rabbi....or a Jew...and this morning there is word the "Jews for Jesus " de-frocked " the guy years ago. ( And the guy was known for tell other Jews they were going to hell without Jesus....Just not a guy you want memorializing people who had been murdered...Too controversial...Someone needed to do research on the VP's team.)

I don't know, some of us still believe Jews are God's chosen people.

At a minimum they need to be left alone to live their lives.....Like the rest of America. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Trick or Treat...Smell My Feet

Give me something good to eat.

I keep threatening to come to Buna and dress as a "gubmint teacher" and trick or treat.( spookiest thing I could dress as)....and gripe if I don't get good stuff like Snickers or Mounds or Hershey bars, or Mars bars, Nestle's Crunch, a Bounty, some of that white candy with peanuts from China.....etc....etc.....None of that stinking licorice, or Pixie sticks.

But the weather guessers are talking about 90% rain chance. 

You know, when I was a kid, we did Halloween as a form of night for kids to get candy. We would have killed to find Mr. Goodbar in our sack at the end of the night. But then, we got popcorn balls made fresh that day from people we actually knew in the community. I know one lady made fudge with walnuts, wrapped each in a waxed paper, you want to talk about good. She made vanilla fudge one year and put cashews in them. People wanted to fight you for one.

Then we went through the time period in which the churches were all anti Halloween. Devil's Night, had their own "Fall Festival." I know the First Baptist Church of Mauriceville is having one. But it will be after the kids pretty much trick or treat.

And over the last few years the church has become more and more receptive to Halloween.

Say what you want, a Fall Festival is till a Halloween holiday.

Celebrate the holiday or not, I don't care. 

I don't know, I'll celebrate Halloween like I always have the last 37 years.  Watch a little TV, maybe roast some raw peanuts, be in bed early.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Part Deaux?

Yes, I kept the same background, that way you would know it is me, not some stranger trying to pretend they are me.

If you were included in the group, Part Deaux, I guess you can count yourself as good....or negative.....or....I am not for sure what?

If you were left out, well, either I missed you or....or you've been left out on purpose.

I had to start fresh. Just had to do so. My mail was ugly from some people, mostly former students and I am convinced they have something going on that needs professional help.

We will see, fresh start. Again, we will see....

Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...