Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's

2019, I guess it along with other things, well, we just can't keep it from coming.

I generally do a predictions blog, and every prediction I came up with either upset me or disturbed me so much.....I don't know.

I am concerned about this nation.

I am not sure if we are about to just "come apart" or just what?

I see us very similar to the 1850s, ( different issues) but just as divided.

I am concerned about the economy. I look at the numbers, but the market looks artificial compared to actual growth..

Part of what is going on in growth pains. Our economy is changing so much to a technology based economy old economic systems are dying. I see the usage of actual cash as being less and less until it is no longer viable option.

Sears, JC Penney's, are in trouble. They close and 68,000 and 114,000 people are out of a job. ( JC Penny employs more people than the coal mines.)

On the political front, the congress will get nothing done. We have divided government. And I am afraid it is going to get ugly.

I don't know, I am amazed at how much hated there is in people's hearts, especially those who call themselves Christians. I often wonder if they have read Matthew 7:23, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity."

Anyway, Happy New Year's. Enjoy your day off if you receive one. 

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