Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I'll Probably Go to Hell on This Blog

I'll probably go to hell on this blog.....But I don't care. This needs to be said.

So, for the second time in 2 weeks, I had people come by the house and invite me to church. Once again, I am proud of myself and was civil.....and didn't shoot them.

Two men, dressed, well, sort of well.

Invited me to a church that was being "planted" in the area. One of the "new " denominations that lean more non-denominational than anything else.

I actually asked a couple of questions and their answers lead me to believe they were more " Baptist-Reform" in their structure than "Pentecostal-Arminian."

And both men introduced themselves as ' doctor" so and so.

And as they let they gave me literature on the new church. 

So, I started to "look-up" these two "preachers" online.

You know, the internet is a wonderful thing. It is also Satan incarnate.

I find the theological schools the two " doctors" attended.

Neither of the theological schools were accredited.

For those of you, an accredited school is one that holds to the norms of academics. Its finances are in order. Accreditation means you are on the " up and up."

The two "preachers" had degrees, all of their degrees from so-called diploma-mills. 

Send the school a check, they send you a diploma.

This is rampant in the clergy of today.  Fake diplomas.

Now, I know Jesus never went to any seminary or any divinity school, but Jesus lived in a time in which being a goat herder was major profession. And I have known pastors without any academic training past high school and they are good in the job.....

But why preachers do you need to 'pretend' you are something you are not? More money?

Come on, as soon as I found out about the doctorate, I threw away the literature. What else are you going to "story" to me about?

Look, it is kind of why I want you to call me " Kerry" now when you see me up town now. Most of you are about my age now anyway.( Come on, you're grown-ass people now)...One exception, Tara Laramore still has to call me " Mr. Thomas."  For obvious reasons.....;)

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