Wednesday, January 30, 2019

No, No, No, We Don't Need to Do This Neither

If I can go into my East Texas-isms.

I often write on well, damn near anything in the blog, including theology and religion. ( I got one coming down the pike.)

It seems there is a big push to offer Bible classes on campuses at public schools. And the present administration twittered yesterday his approval. Say one thing, the present administration knows how to play to his base.

If I was still in the "business" I know good and well I wouldn't want to teach the class, and they will be looking at transcripts and going, " Look at this on Thomas' transcripts. He has all these Bible classes."

I wouldn't do it.

Fire me.

Talking about a nightmare.

At some point you are going to interject some point or view or theology that is along some denominational line that not everyone believes.

I can just see parents coming to the school to raise cane.

What if a kid in class asks about literal interpretation of the Bible? And they ask about say the Book of Jonah being a story, not an actual person?

Or the 4 interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

What will you do with the Song of Solomon? 

And which of the hundreds of interpretations do you use?

Look, I grew up Baptist, we couldn't decide the color of the carpet in the sanctuary. How do you expect the 4000 Christian denominations in America to decide what is taught in a Bible Class in Buna, TX?

And do you really want someone in Austin to decide what the curriculum should be? Because in the end, that's what will happen.  

No we don't need to be teaching Bible or Koran or any other religious writings as a course at public school.

These are for parents or religious institutions ( I.e. the church, divinity schools, Sunday School) to teach.

I am serious, the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they said " Separation of Church and State."

In truth, when we do a better job in the 4 major courses, we can worry about another elective. 

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