Thursday, January 17, 2019

Well, Sure 'Nuff I Am Going to Hell

Well, I tried to be good this afternoon. At least tried. But I look and I failed.

By the way, today's( this morning's blog) had the most hits since I re-vamped the blog to Part Deaux.
I am seriously glad I started fresh. Yes, my hits are down, and to be honest I have a better class of readership now. This is a labor of "love" not a money maker.

Now my condemnation to the eternal fiery pit.

Had a cough every day and to cut the cough, I have been "forced" to cut it with some Irish Whisky.

And I normally drink it out of a coffee cup.

And today I just grab a cup from the cupboard and I look after I am drinking from it for a while.....

It's one of my wife's Baptist Jesus cups....One with these religious sayings.....

Yeah, I need to go ahead and convert to the Whiskypalians. ( My favorite Episcopalian joke....Wherever you find 4'll find a fifth....) Maybe it'll keep me out of hell?

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