Thursday, February 28, 2019

Signed " Upset in Buna"

I get these from time to time. I think they made an e-mail account just to write me, and to be honest, I found it in the "promotional" of gmail yesterday.

It seems I upset some "good Baptist" yesterday. ( I think that might be an oxymoron .....someone will get all irate about that...)

I was pretty nice. I did some theology, and not hardcore complicated stuff either.

I have a friend I went to seminary with who thinks "Heaven's Gates/Hell's Flames" is just flat out heresy. ( He's MDiv, MTh, PhD, all in analytic theology....his doctorate is from St. Andrew's in Scotland... I read his dissertation and it's good, scary good....He teaches college now. )and he doesn't get upset on stuff too much, but he loses it on this particular play.

Now, once again, if you are going to "condemn me to hell" or get all upset about stuff, just stop reading the blog, or better yet, unfriend me.

Life is too short people.

You know, we really don't know what the afterlife is like.

I wonder if we will even understand who or what we are afterwards. If memory is erased, well you know, you are no longer, "you."

Oh I know, we read about street of gold and jewels everyplace, but I'll be honest, that doesn't impress me. I'd just as soon have a small house in the woods, or overlooking some Irish type moor.

But then, maybe we are too busy at the feast. I'm hoping they'll relax that kosher business so we can have bacon, shrimp, and crab.....

But please, don't get so upset reading this blog you feel you got to " get angry over it."

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