Monday, February 25, 2019

You're In The Army Now.....Ladies!?!?

You're in the army now, you're not behind a plow, you'll never get rich......

So, a Federal Judge, here in Texas has declared  that the Male-only Selective Service, AKA the military draft is unconstitutional.

The judge has ruled that with women now in combat roles, they too should be required at 18 years of age to register for the draft.

Why not?

I have several readers of the blog who are veteran's the Army, Marines, Air Force, heck, I still have active duty folks in the Navy( female) who read the blog.....

If we are going to be equal, then we need to have everyone sign up for the Selective Service at age 18.

I know, I have in the past when it was part of my "job description" at the Buna High School was to register 18 year olds for Selective Service, I actually had females who tried to register. Even had some fill-out the cards and send them in, only to get a letter back explaining why they do not have Selective Service for women.

They draft women in Israel into their Army ( The IDF) and I remember a guy in university who dated a girl from Israel. He always said, " My girlfriend has more combat experience than your girlfriend." ( I think they married) ....Anyway, she had been wounded in action by a mortar round.

But in the past, the courts said that because they were not used in combat, females were excused from registration.....

So, if you have a daughter, get ready, it could be coming.

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