Thursday, March 28, 2019

I Ain't Going to Make It

You know, I am doing pretty good, or I thought I was anyway.

Been trying to do one of the most un-Baptist of things, fast, try not to eat meat on Fridays, all for Lent....and The first two, I have been doing pretty good on....( I already get up at 4-5am to pray.)

I lost about 10 pounds. 

But, I also decided to quit cussing for Lent.

I ain't doing so good here.

I have not swore verbally that I can think of....But, I've been cheating on social media and on the blog.

Stars, pound signs, anagrams, letters where swear words should be.....Someone post about flat earth today and I almost lost it.....

I got until like April 21st.

I ain't goin' make it am I?

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