Sunday, March 31, 2019

Okay, I Had to go Here

I blame Tara Sullivan Laramore, or her eldest child for this one.....I'd blame Dwayne, but I figure he's doing everything he can to keep the wheels on the truck.

Seriously, I have been wanting to write on this one, when I came across this meme.

How is marriage too big of a commitment but having kids together isn’t?

I have never understood this, seriously.

You will have children with a person, you will live together and "play house" but you will not go to the courthouse and make it legal.

Don't you know that once you have a child, you're going to be associated with the person who you made the child......Pretty much 18 years.....if not forever when you decide who goes where for holidays?  Who gets grandchildren when? 

Now, I come from a generation in which if you make a girl pregnant, you had to marry the girl. I know people I went to school with that have been married for 40 years due to that.....

But now, with all the birth control, and I know it doesn't always work, but some of you are not even trying. You're just hoping there won't be a pregnancy.

In the last few months, I have married 2 couples who had children and they had been together years. One couple had a daughter 14 years old and it was the child who made them get married.

You don't have to have a "dog and pony show" wedding. Save the money and spend it on something you actually need....Heck, I'll do the wedding for nuthin'.


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