Tuesday, April 16, 2019

And You Darn Baptists

I am in the middle of Lent and I "gave up" cussing for Lent, so I wish the title had stronger words.

But last night I heard a Baptist say the following.

" That Notre Dame burning, I don't care, it's just another Catholic Church."

The Alamo was a Catholic Church.

Would you feel the same if it was destroyed in a natural disaster?

And you may say, " Well, Notre Dame was rebuilt, several times."

Yes, but so was the Alamo. The Alamo in San Antonio is not the same building that was there in 1836.

Look, they are trying to change this and make the entire area a historic site, but where the wall of the Alamo mission was, is now several stores, including, I don't know if it was still there, a Guinness World Records Amusement .

Notre Dame is a historic symbol of Paris......The French......Yes, it has changed over the years, but then so has most everything else....

Any time a historical object is destroyed, we should be saddened. Even if you have religious differences.

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