Tuesday, April 16, 2019

New Buna Supt. of Schools

As many of you know by now, the Buna ISD has chosen a "Lone Finalist" as the new Supt. of School. The Lone Finalist means, they will offer the man a contract to take over leadership of the Buna ISD.

Dr. Donny R. Lee is the Lone Finalist and is presently the Supt. of Schools in the Oakwood ISD.

Oakwood is a tiny town, and is a tiny school district. Buna is huge by comparison. It is between Palestine and Buffalo in Leon County. ( A portion of the district extends into Freestone County.)

Oakwood plays 6 man football, and has a total of 200 kids in the entire school K-12.

It has 18.7 teachers in the district.

I've carried 18 high school teachers on an UIL Academic trip to Orangefield before.

Okay, here is the ugly part.

Most superintendents stay 2,3,4 years before they move on, and up. They generally do not stay. They don't make lateral moves, but, supers just do not stay long in one place, if they are ambitious.

Sorry, just a fact. We sometimes forget that schools have a business aspect to them.

Who knows, he may be like an old government teacher who originally started teaching in Buna, planned to stay one year, and remained 20 years.

The real question is this, who will stand up the first day of inservice and say to the new Super " I'm your huckleberry."

I know who my money is on..... 

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