Friday, April 12, 2019

So, This Has Come Up

I don't understand, and to be honest, I don't understand a lot of your thinking. And I am not sure that many of you do either.

In the last week, Mayor "Pete" of South Bend, Indiana, who is running for President has come out with a speech explaining his being Gay and being a Christian.

He even challenged the Vice-President  ( Mayor Pete) about him choosing being Gay, rather saying to Mr. Pence his " quarrel being with his creator."

I've been telling you this for years.

People who are Gay, don't get up one morning and decide they are Gay.

I know Mr. Pence believes in the " Conversion Therapy" in which somehow they can Pray Away the Gay.

There is a former student of mine, a Buna grad, who went through the "Conversion Therapy" twice.

It did not work either time.

They are now married to someone they love very much.

I don't get it Christians. I do not.

Why this sin is such a boogieman?

You have a church full of divorced people, and according to what I read in the Bible there are only a couple of reasons for divorce. And one of them tells you not to marry again after you've divorced for this reason.

Yet, every Baptist Church in this country is full of divorced folks, who have re-married.....And the preacher dare not preach on divorce. 

I often wonder about ministers who use the Book of Malachi to get members to tithe 10%. Malachi talks about people under the old covenant, giving grain to the Jewish Temple.  Under the old Mosaic Law. Nothing about Christians giving 10%.

How is this not extortion? One of the sins expressed by Paul as not entering the Kingdom?

And some of this tithe is so they can build a new gym, or another edifice. I don't remember basketball, or volleyball in the Bible. Maybe it's in that little known Apocrypha Book, the "Gospel of LeBron?"(  I'll get an ugly letter on that "funny.")

I don't understand.

We all sinners, we all fall short. I know I am...

Once again, some of y'all need to pull that plank outta your own eye...

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