Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why Does Easter Change Dates??????

Why is it sometimes in March....and sometimes in April?

1600 years ago, there was no uniform date to celebrate Easter.

Many did not want to celebrate the time at the same time as the Jewish Passover.

So in 325A.D. a group of bishops in the church met in what is now Turkey in the city of Nicaea.

( This is where the the famous Nicene Creed was written)

At the meeting, it was decided that all the Christian world....even though they did not give a formula as to when to determine the date.....

How this was decided as the formula is not really clear. ( There are theories, but not all can be expressed in totally Christian terms. Some of the formula was an attempt to appeal to the Pagan Community in the ancient world.)

So, you say...This lesson is all well and good...How do you figure the day for Easter?

It is the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the Spring Equinox.  Which means Easter can be between March 22 to April 25......

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