Thursday, May 9, 2019

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke, Them Cigarettes

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke, Them Cigarettes.....
Tell St Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette......

Number One hit for the late Tex Williams in...August, 1947.....

So, it seems WalMart is going to increase the age of people buying tobacco from them from 18 to 21 years of age....

Like that is going to make any difference.

Most people when every they start until 21 or old are buying their tobacco someplace else. Generally at the corner store, with it being sold to them by someone who doesn't give a damn how old they are....

Hell, maybe they still do, I remember Lamar Bookstore sold tobacco products, including for some of the European trained professors and really " cool" philosophic type kids, French made Gitanes and Gauloises, including the yellow Gitanes made from corn paper.

I know, back when I was dipping, I had bought snuff in the Lamar Setzer Center.

But keeping kids from buying tobacco?

For 50 years they've tried to keep teenage kids from buying alcohol.

How well has that worked out?

It's a dog and pony show. We're looking like we are doing something.  But there's too much profit to stop selling them altogether....

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