Friday, June 21, 2019


I know, I know, and I know some of you have left this part of the world to get away from the heat.

Colorado, Maine, wherever.

Today's the first day of Summer.

It won't cool down until November.

Some of you just are not happy about anything. And it being hot in Texas being one......

I've been in Texas for 62 years this August and it has always been hot.

Some of you are just not happy about anything.....

I know some of you long for the "good ole days." You want to turn back the clocks to the way it was in the 1950s....

It wasn't that good back then....Trust me.

There was no internet, no cell phones, hell our land lines were often party lines, phones in which you shared a line with other people. There was 3 TV stations, and Channel 4 was always fuzzy.

People were still dying from measles, whopping cough, mumps.  I went to school with a guy who had mumps at age 13, made him sterile. His wife left him due to he couldn't produce children.

And air condition?  Come on man, I graduated high school and there was no a/c. I didn't own a car with a/c until the 1980s.

Come on, Texas heat convinced me I need a job in an air condition setting....Thus, going to college....

Kwitchurbitchin', it is the "good ole days." Today...

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Doritios, Snickers Bar, & Marlboros....Question???

 The the " Daily Diary of the American Dream" as they once called themselves, the Wall Street Journal had an article this morning ...