Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Forgot This Story

You forget stuff that occurred until long after you write stuff.

Had a great uncle( other side of the family) who was a cook for a front line unit in the US Army in France. He went into France about 2 months after D-Day and he loved to tell this story.

He was driving a truck with another convoy, pulling his mobile kitchen trailer when the Germans shot the kitchen with a Panzerfaust. ( That's the German version of a bazooka)

Trucks full of men, trucks full of ammo, trucks full of supplies and they blow up the kitchen....

Come to find out, the Germans did it on purpose. Try and ruin morale. The troops instead of having hot chow would have old cold C-rations and K-rations.

Anyway, his asst. cook was riding with him when the kitchen was blown up....He said his asst. cook, jumped out of the truck and took off for the woods.

He never saw the man again....He never knew what became of him...

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