Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I Had Not Planned to Write This......

I had a totally different blog I had planned to expound upon this morning, but this just happen in the last 24-30 hours.

I had wanted to talk about the really odd dreams I have been having in the last few weeks, including being told something that happened in a dream would happen, actually happen....

No, in the last day, day and a half, I have told people either to get out of teaching....Or better, just never go into the profession.....

And it is a noble profession, and parents get time off to be with their school kids in the summer ( it isn't a good reason to go into teaching...)

But at best, if you are in the profession, you will be in "Genteel Poverty" for many years during the profession. ( Especially at the start.)

But, I have told people in today's world, today's feeling towards teachers, the rampant politics( It has always been political, but in many ways it is worse today.....Not what you know, but who you know) unless you just "gotta" teach, I would do something else.

And even if you feel like to "gotta" teach, you may suck at it......Or start to suck at a certain point. 

And I've told 3 people this in the last few hours......And it starts to effect you in a way many do not understand until you get into the job.

Once again, " Mamma's don't let your babies grow up to be teachers." 

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