Friday, July 12, 2019

Oh Lord, I've Stumbled Back Into This World....

This never ceases to amaze me.

Perhaps it is because I was "in this world " for awhile.

The the further away I get, the more I ask myself, " How the Hell did I survive?"( Hardcore Christianity)

I've been reading more and more about younger people going into the world of being world so far away from what we would even consider traditional Christianity,and they are turning to more and more " non-traditional" stuff like....Crystals and Astrology.

You can laugh, and they do so themselves at the systems, but it is a sign of what is going on with traditional Christian religions.

Say what you want,  be it the Catholics, the Baptists, whoever, they are going through trying times.

Both Catholics and Southern Baptists have sex abuse troubles going on. 

And it's other denominations. They just have not been caught...Yet....

I know it is religions in general, the grown of the "None" has been covered here in this blog, and it is the fast growing group in America.

But, I have a number of ex-students using Crystals, Tarot and such.....

Now, before you lose your mind, you've got to remember if you want to bring folks back, you've got to clean your religion up.

You've got to get politics out of it.

You got let folks live their lives. I know some of you go nuts about the LGBT community.....Yet you can get past what Jesus said in Matthew  5: 27-28....and you're looking at people and going..." Man, I'd like to spend a three day weekend with that in Opelousas.  "

Then you turn around and condemn folks for being gay....( I had a former student contact me about 2 weeks ago, just to tell me they were now lesbian. It was like they were looking for some sort of absolution...."Look, loved you before you told me, and love you the same now..." )

I know some of you are saying, "It's the sign of the times."

( And I have serious wonder about these "End Time" folks wanting it to hurry up and "get here." Want that third Temple, want the Red Calf......Have you read the book? You do know that brings Satan's minion upon the earth? It makes you wonder who you are really "Pulling for" here?" I'm having a hard time here folks with a 2020 future trip, and will write a blog on it at a later date. I don't know, the older I get the more trouble I have with Dispensational theology.  )

I am old, and I am still stuck in the "Old Abrahamic Theology" of the past, but I understand the young folks...

World's changing folks, you want to appeal to people, you got to show some love. Not all this hate, hate, hate.... 

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