Friday, July 5, 2019

Some People's Children

I am hoping this will not become a trend.

But I can see this just like the trend of kids eating Tide pods.

But this "kid" ( Looks like a grown- ass woman to me) who licked a tub of Blue Bell ice cream in a store and replaced it into the freezer.

It seems the event took place in Lufkin....

Then, here is one of a "Youth" spreading what looks like shampoo on the floor of a CVS.

And another group of "Youths" eating a handful of ice cream from a container and placing it back into the freezer.... 

I wonder how long before they start doing this, and to avoid the law, start to blur their faces?

The lot of them need their asses whipped.

The Lufkin "Youth" faces up to 20 years in prison.....

Now she won't get it, but I hope she does do some time in " Uncle Bo-Bo."

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