Sunday, July 7, 2019

Who Cares?

I don't know what people want.

I really don't.

I no longer go to the movies unless there is some either period piece or some sort of history type movie showing at the "motion pictures."

People are all out of whack about the race, the nationality of the Mermaid in the Lil Mermaid remake.

Same thing with Aquaman. In the old comics in the 60s, he had yellow hair, not blonde, yellow....and like Raj in Big Bang Theory said says, " Aquaman sucks." The new Aquaman was a sex symbol.  He did nothing for me...

I don't care.

Wasn't going to see the Mermaid movie anyway.

Don't care about the New Avengers.

Or Old Avengers.

Or Ironman

Or who the new Batman is.

Or Superman.

Hell, I stopped watching 007 James Bond when they got rid of Roger Moore and to be honest, he wasn't that good. Sean Connery will always be 007 in my mind.

None of these movies hold any real interest for a person in their 60s. 

We are of a age in which no one is happy about anything. It is "both sides of the aisle" as they said in the Congress.

People are just looking to be unhappy.

I am convinced it is going to led to either a downfall of this nation or some sort of a civil war. There are areas in this nation in which both sides are already fighting in the street......Don't think this business can't spread.

I don't know what is wrong with all of us.....But there is something dead wrong.....

In cases, just leave folks alone.

Let people live their lives.

I don't understand why people want everyone this homogenized lifestyle of everyone....And it's both sides.....

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