Wednesday, August 14, 2019

All Over the F*ckin' Place & Going PC?

I guess I need to have an explanation on the massive number of blogs I am churning out......And you loyal readers do deserve some form of explanation to my prodigious writing....Well, some folks call it writing.

I don't know...Feel like it.....Too damn hot to be outside too long.

Apparently I upset some folks yesterday for using the term "pussy" to describe what is going on at the Buna High School....

I don't know, I know plenty of guys who've ruined their lives chasing pussy.....and most straight guys think about it.....several times a day.....

I guess I could have used the term "sissy" instead, but then I would have upset my LGBT readers, and in truth I actually like them. Hell, they're open to talking philosophy and extreme religious views, and hell, I love that. Let's face it boys and girls( someone will get mad at that statement) I've always had a different view of life, even as a child. I fit into Baptist seminary like a square peg in a round hole....

Then someone wrote all upset about me referring to my bride as being " German."

Well, hell, she is....That said, she has more Scottish blood than I do....I am heavily diluted with Irishman.

You know, I didn't refer to her as a "Kraut" or a "Hun" or a "Jew Killer". I couldn't have seen you getting upset there....

The late writer/comedian Lewis Grizzard would tell a story about people getting all upset about newspapers articles.....He would reply, " What'd you expect, you only paid a quarter?"  Likewise here....You didn't pay nothing to read the blog, what the hell did you expect?

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Now on "X"

 Well, I've been barred from Facebook......Cannot even set up another account...... So, for now, moved to " X." K.D.Thomas@gov...