Tuesday, August 13, 2019

F*ck China

I may get into trouble with my Chinese daughter in law. She has a little different view on this, but it was put into their head from birth....But we are working to change that.

But I stand with the protestors in Hong Kong.

Several years before the British Hong Kong's lease with China ran out in 1997, the British gave Hong Kong basic freedoms.

Free speech, religion, assembly...Habeas Corpus....Capitalistic economics.

And part of the treaty with China during this handover to China was the continued freedoms. China doesn't have these.

China now is threatening these freedoms, 22 years later. ( There are reports of the Chinese Army on the Hong Kong border)

I stand with Hong Kong.

So, I am asked this question, what flag is over the Compound, and it changes often.

This is the Hong Kong flag when the British still were in Hong Kong.

Sorry, but, fuck China....

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