Monday, August 26, 2019

Is This Society Today?

Is this society today? Or has it always been here? Or is it getting worse?

I often wonder just how Christian people are who profess their religion to people. And it seems to be worse as time goes on. Then again, I wonder how many people are actually of the faith?

But this is not what the blog is about....

The Indianapolis Colt's quarterback retired from football on Saturday.  Andrew Luck was one of the star quarterbacks in the NFL.

Luck is 29 years old. Pretty young for a quarterback.

 Luck has been battling injuries for the last 4 years including lower leg problems, shoulder injury, a lacerated kidney. He had been "sacked" 170 times in his 7 year career.  The most recent injury happened in April and he has not been able to practiced more than 2 times since April.

Luck a graduate of Standford, basically said he had enough of the injuries and pain.

Luck was married within the last year and he and his wife are expecting their first child.

I am sure the combination of his concern for his long term health. I am sure Mrs. Luck was thrilled he retired.

When it was announced, at the Colt's Stadium that he was retiring, he was booed by the Colt's crowd.

Vigorously booed. 

Which brings us to this question....

Why do we lose our minds concerning sports in this nation?

It is like sports are "life or death" and many of these players, coaches are somehow "owned" by the fans....( I guess I shouldn't be shocked there, I've had many parents tell me, " You work for me." And while you may a portion of my paycheck, I am not going to let that influence me passing your knothead kid who hasn't turned in any work this semester.)

And is from the pros down to high school down to Little League.

You have seen parents fight other parents, umpires and referees on YouTube.

I don't know a single one of these games paying your mortgage. Your light bill. There are more people in this country who get academic and arts scholarships than sports scholarships. And more kids graduate using the academic scholarships, than the sports ones.

Now, I enjoy watch a ballgame from time to time, but you know, if my team loses, it just isn't that important.

I am wondering, how bad will this incivility get? Will it get better?

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