Wednesday, August 28, 2019

So, Cato Got Me Into Trouble

Shocking I know. And I hope now she doesn't come looking for me with a tire iron after I write this blog....Again to the old saying..." I'm too old to take an ass-whippin', it's why I carry a pistol."

Yesterday she had post a photo of her and her significant other kissing.

It looked like a different girl than the one she had been seeing.

To which I posted halfway serious and halfway comical, about me "wishing I knew her secret when I was a single person."( I know, I know.....)

( Hell, I know what my trouble was when I was single.....Nerd, not cool, not rich, not handsome, and worst of all, a history major....Hell, it's a wonder I found someone who would have me.....I still think Christian charity might be involved.)

And people came out of the woodwork in my private messages.

And most of the messages, I did not really understand....

But, the gist of the PM's and I might be wrong here, is....

1. That I am okay with LGBT folks.... ( I wonder what they'll say when they find out I have agreed to perform a lesbian wedding in '20. I might be more nervous out this ceremony than any other. No, not because it is a LBGT wedding, I just found out it is a huge dollar event at a country club in Houston with perhaps 800 guests....Most of the other wedding, while many were fancy, were well, " just folks." )

2. I think I upset people when I talk about sex.....Apparently, some people think I should have never engaged is such an activity. ( You think I am teasing here, there are still people who think teachers should be single, or if they have been hired as single people, shouldn't date, or let people know they are dating...)


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