Monday, November 18, 2019

And You Know Buna ISD Would Do This in a Heartbeat

Maybe they have already and I just, well, missed it. I leave the country and miss things, and to be honest, I don't give a good shit what's going on back home ( Unless the Compound is about to flood, like it did when we were in Thurso.)

But, I digress.....Again....

I was sent a PM by some from the area, ex-student, who will remain nameless.

It seems the Como-Pickton ISD will be holding classes in New Testament  and Old Testament  in the future. The board approved 7-0.

Now, the ISD is in Hopkins County, near where my Mom's people are from, I even had a great-aunt who was the June Burke/Tandy Boyd of the old Pickton ISD before the two schools consolidated.  She taught high school English and was like every other English teacher in America. ( Why is that? My HS English teacher was like this when dinosaurs roamed the earth.)

So, I know what the ISD is like.....Pretty much every smaller school district in East Texas.

And if I was there, they'd look at my transcript( Lamar used to offer Bible classes as electives, I took 12 hours, the max because they were easy for me.....It's where I first came in contact with the Episcopal Church at the old Canterbury Club....The Episcopal Priest was teaching the Four Gospels Course.) And then I went to a theological seminary.

Like a bullseye on my back...

It'd be a fucking nightmare.

How would I handle the conflicts in the Bible between predestination and free-will?

How would I handle the Song of Solomon? It's pretty racy stuff?

How would I handle the fact the Bible says the earth is only 6000 years old? ( I believe it is millions upon millions)

How would I tell them Baptists the "Water into wine" was actually real wine, not Welch's Grape Juice?

How would I handle the Book of Leviticus and the prohibition against pork, lobster, and shrimp? ( I could see me eating a piece of bacon that day in class.)

How would I breach the concept of Hell? ( You know, I have Mormon friends whose concept and teaching on Hell is closer to my own belief than I care to admit....)

How would I explain that "East of the Suez, there's no Ten Commandments " as Kipling wrote?( Ten Suggestions as some of you believe)

How would I handle that entire "End of Time" and "Rapture" discussion? ( Rapture is a 19th Century concept, there is no "Rapture" in the Bible.)

I literally could see me getting fired for this.....Or if I was at the end of my career, pulling up and retiring at Christmas break.

Then again, I could make it soooooo hard, no one would take the class....

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