Saturday, November 9, 2019

I'm Thinking About Sending Them a Bill

Seriously, I am thinking about sending them an invoice. I doubt they pay it, but I am thinking about sending one of the parties the bill.

And I should be glad, but in reality, the more I think about it, the madder I get.

I was supposed to do a wedding this morning.

I had a rehearsal yesterday afternoon. the event was to take place in Jefferson County.

It was a friend of a friend of a friend deal.

Now, if you are reading this, you get the " Friends and Family Rate" which means I do the wedding for nothing.( Whatever you want to consider yourself.)

But people I do not know, I charge a rate. If I have to do a wedding and rehearsal, $200. Just the wedding. $125.

Mostly it is to keep from having to actually do a wedding of people I do not know.

I made a literally flying trip to the farm in NE Texas in one day to winterize the farm. I would have stayed several days if it wasn't for the wedding. I had even carried a .303 rifle just in case.

Yesterday, I was informed the wedding had been cancelled.

She had backed out.

Seems she had feelings for one of her bridesmaids.

This was not a "gay" wedding.

I am not even wanting to think what the groom is thinking today.

I am hoping he is saying, "I am glad I found out before."

I am seriously thinking about sending the "bride" an invoice.

Or just stop doing weddings for people I do not know....

Okay, I'm through bitching for today...

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