Friday, December 27, 2019

The Airing of Grievances

I know that the "Airing of Grievances " was supposed to take place on Dec. 23rd, during what "Seinfeld" coined as "Festivus for the rest of us."

But I have complaints.

Christmas Eve and I should been in the PNG community, but I have an aging mother and well, I felt like I need to go with her to church services North of Vidor. She is 90 her next birthday.

So, I did not go with my in-laws to church in PNG area for the Christmas Eve services, and slowly we are working on my daughter in law.

Apparently, the PNG church service services were go and go until you can go no more.

Over an Hour and a Half in PNG.

We had 30 minutes North of Vidor, sang Christmas hymns. Had communion, and went home. It was a nice service.

The service in PNG set back everything we had been working on for over a year in one felled swoop.

And the time period wasn't just the problem. 

No, the church in PNG has united with another group and the new pastor is a member of an organization that believes in church discipline. And church leadership is all important. ( There is a movement in this organization that makes members sign contracts. You can't leave the church without permission....There is another word for that, but I am trying to get through this without cussing.)

I have a friend who remarks whenever this organization is mentioned ( He's also a seminary alumni) saying, that of said organization, " Who needs Jesus when we have church leadership."

So, everything we did over the last 1+ years was undone in about 100 minutes.

You've got to remember she grew up in a system that was anti-church, and it is a slow process.

Thank you church leadership in PNG, you undid our work. You made it all about you.

You have to remember, on Christmas Eve, people are visiting with family.  It is a time to impress, not to repress them....They are not going to come back.

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