Friday, January 24, 2020

Okay, You Can Unfriend Me....

I know this will shock many of you reading this, but in truth, I do not care.

Not a fan boys and girls, not a fan.

I can't remember the last time I ate crawfish and you know, I don't I will eat any this year, or any year in the foreseeable future.

Oh, I have not a problem with you eating them. You want to eat them, you go ahead. Same as with eating Sashimi.  Or what some of you call Sushi. The raw fish is Sashimi.  (Sushi is not raw fish, but rather vinegared rice that is mixed with other ingredients, which may or may not include raw fish.)

Not a fan of Sashmi, not a fan of Sushi. Once again, you want to eat it, you have at it.

Not a fan of lobster. Too tough. 

Crawfish is a lot of shell for not much meat. I'd just as soon eat shrimp.

And there is nothing wrong with crawfish, just not my choice of shellfish.

I like crab, but you can eat crab in the shell all day and then afterwards, have to order pizza in order to get something to eat.  

And with the prices now, I certainly don't want to eat it.

The supply and demand on crawfish comes into play. The more people who think it is cool or "tasty" to eat crawfish, the more the price will rise, and then, 1.4 billion Chinese are starting to eat crawfish putting even more of an economic strain on the price.

I understand it is in many cases a social event. People gathering together to have a crawfish boil.

Well, as "social" or anti-social as I am, that pretty much leaves me out.

Sorry for those of you all over Facebook losing your mind because you can now get " crawfish." I am sorry I don't understand those of you losing your minds now because the season is "upon" us.

I'd rather just have a good steak.

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