Thursday, January 16, 2020

Wow! Just Wow!

I don't know about the events of the last 48 hours, but they've been good. Or bad depending on your point of view.

First, I want to thank everyone's input into the "Pistol for April." I'll be honest, including the emails, the PM's, the comments from Facebook, I have received close to 10,000 words. ( seriously) It hit a chord with a lot of folks and I really appreciate it, because each one of the emails, comments, PMs is going to be looked at and thought over...( 10,000 words is about 40 pages double spaced.) It has been a bit of an information overload. And honestly, I like a lot of info at once. Makes the old grey cells work.

As several of you suggested, I am going to need to take the Chinese girl to a gun show, gun store and let her see what fits her, hands, her likes, her wants. Then see about borrowing, renting, etc a couple 2-3 of those pistols and letting her shoot them.

While this was going on I discover a letter in the mail from my nephew in Llano with a DNA test I need to run, well, right then. ( For his AP Biology class)

The instructions, I am sure written by the instructor left a bit to be desired. About the same time I was reading the instructions, my mom calls, also reading the instructions wondering what a couple of the instructions actually meant.

Mr. Taucer would have never sent home a mess written like this....

Which makes me wonder if the instructor out there is a graduate of a university in Central Texas more concerned with sitting on the river, " drinking beer and chasing tail?"

So, we get that done and email the results.  Apparently, we are some sort of subset.

Then I got into trouble for using the word ( Girly-Girl) I know the correct term is feminine, but you know, there is nothing wrong with being a girl's girl, if that makes sense. So, I apologize the Ashlee Haefs and Yu "April" Zhou-Thomas for calling them girly-girls. ( That said, I think James would agree with me on the first one.)

I also hopped the tracks and another life I had reared its ugly head in the Facebook comments section. I apologize to Tara for embarrassing my former student-teacher.

Finally, and this is how my mind works, I put on my extensive Christmas list a "Kitty Keychain." Never expecting to get it for a gift. Low and behold, my Mother-in-Law had about a dozen back-ordered, and they arrived from China yesterday. She did not have a clue they are used to poke people in the eyes with during a defensive situation. She though they were "cute."( By the way, until Sept. of 2019, they were illegal in the State of Texas.) I think she's going to give them away to family.

Heck, next year, I may ask for "Brass Knuckles" and tell her they are a "paper weight."

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