Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday....I'd Feel Sorry for You....But

Yeah, I remember Mondays, but well, I don't feel sorry for you, I did " My time" and as I have said for years, it was like being released from a long prison term from Huntsville when I " slipped" out of 2011 graduation and came on home. I danced going down the hallway towards my vehicle.

-Well, this isn't good. had a guy I know for years find the old blog, and well, wasn't happy. Trouble is he's a Baptist minister now and I am sure at some point he'll get a sermon out of it....I sent him a message back of a sort of modified "Rachel Rule." Except not so nice. ( Need to write a blog on the Rachel Rule. Remind new folks what is going on)

I ain't afraid of no "She-Bears"( There's an obscure reference.) ( This could be an entirely different blog. Get into some really big trouble. )

-900 dead in China as of this morning. 60 people on the cruise ship off Japan have Coronavirus.

We bought a massive amount of masks and through our " intermediary"  sent them to China.

Pay attention to what happens to China this week. They all go back to work this week after being off for 10 days in a Chinese self-quarantine. Don't think it can't wind up here in a limited form. Keep your resistance up folks.

-Talk about world changing. Had a discussion with a Buna alumni female student about birth control. Talk about a taboo subject just a couple of years ago...Heck, it wasn't that long ago that Lysol was used as birth control, and marketed as such....

- Wet week, still working on a blog concerning the Buna Schools. As always, blogs may be written and "published" in a spur of the moment. 

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