Monday, February 17, 2020

More Proof I Might Be Going to Hell

I don't know, my Reformed/Presbyterian friends would tend to disagree on this thought saying, that as the " Very universe was being shaped, my fate was determined. "

I however, as I have said in the past, do adhere to a couple of the TULIP theology beliefs, I often wonder if I didn't have a chance from the very start?

I have spent the last 4 days in serious shopping mode, looking for shoes to match my new Ralph Lauren suit. ( Suit fits perfectly. Need to take it to my Sri Lankan cleaner for a a good dry clean and press.)

I could just go with a pair of short-winged oxford shoes that I already had, but me, being me, keep looking for something in order to make a  bit more of a "splash."

I have even considered a pair of saddle shoes. A pair of white bucks, a pair of dirty bucks. Even perhaps a pair of Beckett Simonon's in perhaps Oxblood, or a nice tan.....Or Walnut... I'd love some Allen Edmonds, or Crockett & Jones, or Perhaps some John Lobb Phillip II's in plum or St. Crispin cap toes in burgundy , but I don't have Bryant Long's dough. Just a poor retired teacher.

Then, I saw G.H. Bass had a pair of very light grey suede shoes that looked so good, and then a pair of blue suede, but I'd have to keep Mattison Witt from coming over to step on them. And where would you wear blue men's shoes?

Yes, that sin of vanity, that perpetual fop, perpetual dandy, that Beau Brummel syndrome.

And then what tie will I wear? Bow-tie? Long tie? The color?

Trying to be the "best dressed man in the room" is often a full time job, if not according to Anglican theology my "kenodoxia"or κενοδοξία in the Koine Greek is well, my worst sin.

Oh well, I could be doing worst things.

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